Online Ludo Game Addiction, and Aggression in Students: Negative Emotions as a Mediator




In today's tech era, millions of students worldwide are addicted to online games. Ludo's shift from physical to online play has increased its popularity, but studies show excessive gaming can lead to aggression, with unclear mediators between this association. This study aims to explore the effect of online ludo game addiction on aggression via negative emotions among 250 students (with online ludo game installed on their phones) aged 18-25 (M=20.7, SD=2.34). This study employs a correlational research design and purposive sampling technique. Correlation analyses revealed significant positive associations between online ludo game addiction, negative emotions, and aggression. Mediation analysis indicates that ludo addiction positively influences negative emotions (β =.18, p< .05) and aggression (β =.17, p<.01); however, the indirect path was insignificant. Also, an independent sample t-test for gender demonstrated that men scored higher on online ludo game addiction (M=80.32, SD=11.29, p<.001) and aggression (M=87.72, SD=12.80, p<.05) than women. Implications are provided to reduce the impact of game addiction on mental health impact through awareness and various strategies like reintegrating routines, seeking support, increasing parental involvement, and managing gaming time.

Keywords: online ludo game addiction, aggression, negative emotions




How to Cite

Shahid, M. S., Bashir, S., & Shoaib, S. (2024). Online Ludo Game Addiction, and Aggression in Students: Negative Emotions as a Mediator. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN PSYCHOLOGY (JRP), 2(2), 74–89.